Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hi, I am Zhe Hao now i will be sharing with you why foreign labour are necessary in singapore. There are four main reasons why foreign labour are necessary in Singapore and that is to strengthen our workforce, their attitude while working, to help companies to build up their business and to motivate Singaporeans to work harder.

Firstly, I will talk about how the foreign workers helped Singapore to strengthen our workforce. Singapore have been experiencing a decline of birth rate since the 80s and this caused a shortage in number of manpower resulting in the government bringing in more foreign labour for support. Foreign labour help to fill in on our shortage of manpower and solving labour shortage problems in some job industry like cleaning and construction work. The foreign workers have no troubles taking up all these jobs but Singaporeans wouldn't as they have a lot of ego and pride and they think these are the ‘low-class’ job.  They helped us to strengthen our workforce so as to make sure we don't fall behind other countries in terms of development.
With them filling up the shortage of manpower, it will definitely help Singapore to progress forward and support Singapore towards being a more developed country. If Singapore become more developed, its economy will improve and it will eventually benefit most Singaporeans at some point. Despite all that, Singaporeans does not really appreciate what the government is trying to do and instead, they complain about it.  

The arrival of foreign labour to Singapore might be disliked by many singaporeans but we cannot deny that foreign labour had contributed a lot to help singapore in it’s development, without them, Singapore won't be where it is now.

Secondly, foreign workers are very hardworking and motivated.This can be due to the fact that they have come all the way from their hometown to Singapore hoping to get  better job with a better income to send money back to their family at their hometown.If they doesn’t work hard, then their trip to Singapore will in vain. This attracts employers to hire them as they have a goal, people with goal are usually more motivated.

Thirdly, companies who just started operating can consider hiring foreign workers as they are paid much lesser than Singaporeans. Companies or business that are just starting out might not have a lot of capital so they can reach out to foreign workers. Moreover, foreign workers don't mind low income this is because, compared to the income they are earning back at their hometown, it is still much higher to be working in Singapore. With the company paying out lesser salaries to their workers, they will incur lesser expenses and generate more profit for the business, who wouldn't want that?

Furthermore, singapore has a declining birth rate. In other words, there would not be enough manpower to support the country in the future.As such the Governement tried to entice these foreign workers to  come here and work.Should the living and work conditions be satisfying to them,they might decide to stay in Singapore and build a family.This will then help to contribute to the population in Singapore.

Lastly, I feel that the increase in foreign workers helps to increase competition for Singaporeans.Foreign workers pose as a threat to Singaporeans as they are afraid they might lose their jobs to the foreign workers.As such,there is a need for Singaporeans to work harder.The increase competition will help to boost Singapore economy because Singaporeans are more motivated to work and to do well.

Overall, reasons why Singapore need foreign labour to be brought into Singapore, as they are essential to strengthen our workforce,  helps companies to build up their business,and to motivate Singaporeans to work harder.

Next, my friend Suriani will share with you the reason why foreign labour are not necessary needed in singapore.

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