Sunday, November 25, 2012
Got a job at NCS, a admin job. Have been working there for 1 month already. This coming week will be my last. Abit dont bear to leave my friends as i will stop working there as I got my enlistment letter from NS. Dec 13 2012.
Abit sudden la. Everything haven prepare yet and they only send me the letter one month in advnace. So I am leaving the job. I called and replied them to ask for deferment and they said they will help me to request for a short deferment till i got in to a school. Till now they still haven reply me and its only 2-3 weeks left to enlistment date. So worry. Cant live each day without worrying.
its like 50/50 chances of deferring. Yaya! And i saw his girl worknig at NCS who really look like taeyeon! OMG LOL. Now everytime i saw her i will keep staring at her. I think she and her friends will think i am some sort of psycho or something LOL. Ya the next week is the last week i can see her then i gotta leave le!
IF. IF i really enter NS. I wish all my friends who are currently reading this all the best for their life and dont miss me! Hahaha if theres any? LOL
Hmm.. 2 years is not short. I have certainly made a few bad decisions in life which really brought my life to the bottomless pit. Without anyone beside me or anyone there for me, I think this is the best result I can produce by myself. Cheering myself on, pulling myself up when I'm down, crying in the middle of the night till i sleep (lol) ya and countless time of comforting myself.
Since the day I left school I felt so lost. But I have made many friends in rubi and from NCS. I have learned many things and this is what made this period liveable.
And for that, even if my deferment fails, this doesnt mean my life is over. I am still young, I will never stop kicking till I'm dead.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
"In another life, you can be my girl"
"...after the movies ended, Eric accompanied Jane home. Throughout the journey, they talked about life and joked around whenever possible, people who doesn't know them will think they are a couple. There's nothing which they won't talk about and nothing they won't share. Upon reaching Jane's stop, they alighted and walked through the walkway with the light breeze blowing by. Then it was all quiet. The mood became very serious with a mix of awkwardness as they have nothing else to talk about anymore. Walking as slowly as possible as they are departing soon, not wanting the moment to end so fast. As Eric walked Jane to her block, she broke the silence. As it was late, Jane didn't want Eric to walk her all the way so she asked Eric to send her till where they are. Both of them still not willing to leave. "Ok bye! See you next time" Eric started off and turned his body about to leave, but he stopped suddenly.
"Hey Jane!"
"Hmm yes?"
"There's something I want to ask you"
Jane stood there rooted waiting for Eric to say what he wanted to say as Eric was very shy and uncertain whether he should say it.
"Hmm, just wanna ask..."
"What?! Hurry up its late! Say what you gonna say! You gotta catch the last bus, you have work tomorrow!"
"It's nothing actually, see you next time!"
Jane turned and walked away.
Then she turned her head to make sure Eric had safely crossed the streets to the bus stop.
Eric stood across the road staring at Jane and shouted.
"If you don't have a boyfriend, will you be with me?!"
Jane was astonished. Eric wasn't waiting for an answer. He just always wanted to ask that question for a long time but he didn't want to be a third party and spoil the relationship of Jane and her boyfriend.
After shouting, Eric turned and walked away with his heads down.
"Yes!!" Jane suddenly exclaimed at the top of her lungs.
" I hope I can spend the rest of my life with you!"
Eric couldn't believe what he heard and he ran straight missing the bus stop. He was just sprinting straight as he couldn't believe it. Tears came flowing down non stop. It was too good to be truth. But, it is the end.
"Hey Jane!"
"Hmm yes?"
"There's something I want to ask you"
Jane stood there rooted waiting for Eric to say what he wanted to say as Eric was very shy and uncertain whether he should say it.
"Hmm, just wanna ask..."
"What?! Hurry up its late! Say what you gonna say! You gotta catch the last bus, you have work tomorrow!"
"It's nothing actually, see you next time!"
Jane turned and walked away.
Then she turned her head to make sure Eric had safely crossed the streets to the bus stop.
Eric stood across the road staring at Jane and shouted.
"If you don't have a boyfriend, will you be with me?!"
Jane was astonished. Eric wasn't waiting for an answer. He just always wanted to ask that question for a long time but he didn't want to be a third party and spoil the relationship of Jane and her boyfriend.
After shouting, Eric turned and walked away with his heads down.
"Yes!!" Jane suddenly exclaimed at the top of her lungs.
" I hope I can spend the rest of my life with you!"
Eric couldn't believe what he heard and he ran straight missing the bus stop. He was just sprinting straight as he couldn't believe it. Tears came flowing down non stop. It was too good to be truth. But, it is the end.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Went to watch "Possession" with Jasmine at Cineleisure ~
So boring one LOL
Then after the show we walked around and shopped.
We walked from Somerset to Orchard Far East and Jasmine had some tied hair highlights on her hair! She really liked it (: I sort of 'lend' her the money to do it but hell I am not going to ask her back for the money LOL. Just take it as a treat from me ya (:
Then we suddenly have the intention to take a random bus and go to a random location LOL. So I suggested we head to Somerset's bustop to take it as a lot of buses passes by there. So we walked there and suddenly decide to jsut take 171 back home. After we arrived at Somerset we realised there was no 171 there -.- SO, we walked back to Orchard again. LOL
Its like Somerset>Ochard>Somerset>Orchard. LOL
After we boarded the bus, we were damn tired >.<
Then we had some h2h talk about life and stuffs.
After a long close to 2 hours ride, we are finally back in yishun and we went to have dinner!
dinner was good just that i waited very long and very pekcek /:
Shared dinner with Jas and then after that we went home ~
Tiring but fun day for me (:
I asked her out cos she seemed abit sad la. Hope she had fun (:
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Okay tonight spam post LOL.
I want to stop being so emo.
Actually i am less emo thesedays.
I asked myself will this thing that currently affects me today matter in the future?
Why dont we just have fun but YET make something good out of your life. You only ahve one life, do you wanna live a life of regrets or with awesome memories that when you're old, you will have something to smile or laugh at when you reminiscent the past?
Girls? Love? Loneliness? Nah.
Actually nowadays i prefer to be alone.
The feeling of independence and freedom is awesome.
You can do whatever you like, whatever you want.
Girls? Love? - We should just let nature take its course.
I want to improve more on myslef before i go into a relationship or something.
If you're not confident of yourself, how could you keep your another half?
IF you dont love yourself, how do you expect others to love you?
G DRAGON new mv is out ~
haha very catchy but i dont really like this song.
I prefer his "This XX". This song's lyrics is very right-at-the-heart.
Not forgetting he compose all of his own songs.
English translation:
I happened to see your man while walking [Yea I saw him]
It seems my assumptions were right [I told you]
Without the ring you gave him and with his arm linked...
I'll just tell you this much [I don't wanna hurt you]
But you for some reason get mad at me [Why?]
You say there's no way he would do that [Sure, you're right]
I notice how you look and say I must have seen someone else
Yeah, I'll lie for you [I'm sorry]
Oh, I hate that you don't understand me
I don't like waiting so let go
When you're sad I feel like dying, baby
What does that xx (=bastard/son of b**ch/motherf***er) have that I don't
Why in the world can't I have you
That xx doesn't love you
How much longer are you just gonna cry stupidly
You look happy when you talk about that person [You look happy]
it looks good to see you laughing like this [I'm happy]
You say you really love him
You believe that it will last forever [I don't know what to say no more]
Your friends all know him well [yup, they know]
Why are you the only one who can't see when it's so obvious? [It's you]
They say love is blind. Oh, baby you're so blind
I'll keep hoping that you two will separate
Oh, I hate that you don't understand me
I don't like waiting so let go
When you're sad I feel like dying, baby
What does that xx have that I don't
Why in the world can't I have you
That xx doesn't love you
How much longer are you just gonna cry stupidly
You fit with expensive cars pretty clothes luxurious restaurants
But that xx isn't for you, he doesn't fit
He has a fake smile in front of you while touching your cheek and hair
Inside for sure, he's thinking of a different girl. How could he do this, it's a sin!
I'll treat you better for all of the tears you've dropped, baby
Can you share your pain with me that you've experienced alone, baby
Just look at me, why don't you know that I'm your love
why are you the only one who doesn't know?
What does that xx have that I don't
Why in the world can't I have you
That xx doesn't love you
How much longer are you just gonna cry stupidly
What does that xx have that I don't
Why in the world can't I have you
That xx doesn't love you
How much longer are you just gonna cry stupidly
GD is so creative and he is my role model hahaa
Yesterday went to give weicai a surprise for his birthday ~
He was really surprised to see us hahahaha ~
Ok la not bad, everything went as planned/
Then i smashed the cake on to hsi face LOL
Then after that went to Chomp Chomp to makan makan!
My first time going to that place leh.
Not bad la, yuying as the professional eater lead me and weitao to bu all the food.
Bought many food :D
Nice catching up, and joked around ~
AFter that went to slack at a random shopping mall around Chomp Chomp.
Took many pictures and had loads of fun :)
Hope we can have more of this catching up session :D
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Went to repair phone ytd.
When i reached Ang mo kio, i realised i didnt bring my spoilt phone, (for the second time) so i decided to go home and take it. LOL wasted like 1 hour going back and forth.
Upon reaching that place, i was lost >.< I couldnt find the place and it rained ):
Was fully drenched and I was under the rain for around 1 hour >.< My phone de GPS got problem and it made me walked arpund the whole area twice ! Was damn irritated and I decided to ask people for direction and I reached the place around 15 minutes.
Fixed my phone's LCD for $80 dollars (:
Will be using my 3GS until IPhone 5 comes out and my contract ends!
Quite looking forward to iphone 5
After that went bugis street to shop for clothes.
At first i only want to buy 2 shirts and 1 cardigan but in the end i ended up buying 11 shirts, 1 pair of shoes, 3 cardigans, 1 coat and 2 hats and spent around $500 .....
I really need to control my spendings...
Have to call NS for deferment. Hmm if not they wil enlist me soon. I want to go back to poly to study first...
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
31 August
Went back to school for teachers day celebration.
It's good to see my friends after such a long time
I miss the teachers too too bad they dont recognise us.
But it was fun ~
Catch up with friends and took many pictures.
After that went to Food court to eat with friends then follow by a movie session with Karin !
We watched Step Up Revolution and it was damn nice ~~~
Inspired to do a flashmob hahaha!
Actually i got work one, I skipped it due to all the fun and also because i have camp later on.
After watching movie i chiong to get my mc and then go to yishun mrt to meet junhao, raynor, ryan and thiamhock.
31 August - 2 Sep
Reached Ngee Ann poly around 730pm.
Then settled down and listened to the briefing from 7-11pm then proceed to making dummies for the activity.
Didnt sleep much cos the table were too damn hard and the air con were too damn cold.
tbc going work now ~
then we played running man and stuff during the camp, even though it was tiring but it was damn fun (:
I miss Ngee Ann poly now >.<
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
24 august
Woo ~ today is a very happy and awesome day for me! ^^
Today after work went to eat with Jerlyn and a random shopping trip at far east!
Very happy ^^
Joked and chit chat ~
After that I sent her home to Sembawang!
Ok, i found out she got a boyfriebd. Fucking fail dia zhebao.. good job for treating her so well. I couldnt take it. Seriously. I dont want to accept it. Shes the first girl i ever treat so well and got a response and thos thibgs i did with her and she say she have a gf... i am such a joke...... i wanna fk myself. I was so happy with her, i want her so bad, her boyfriebd is so lucky to have her.. shes esomso cute and awesome.. momment with her is awmse and haopy. i wont forget it
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012 - Although you have relationship issues on your mind, they're just a distraction from the real dilemma at hand. Your more immediate concern is about your career path; decisions need to be made that can have long-lasting ramifications. Ironically, your current choices have a significant impact on a partner or spouse. Luckily, your emotions settle down later in the day, revealing a clear path to your goal. Patience, combined with hard work, leads you to your desired destination.
This is my horoscope for the day ~
I think its quite accurate lol
It's 5.55am now, going to sleep soon to wake up for work at 2pm!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Hi! So long never blog le!
Recently I injured my left leg ):
My dumbbell dropped from the bed and crashed onto my leg and it was swollen immediately. I saw that there was blood on my leg but there was no cuts and I later found out from the doctor that my arteries/veins burst lol. Sounds so scary.
I have to thank my right leg for carrying the weights of my left leg (:
Anyway this few days don't have enough sleep. Was into maple and legion. Plus some work.
Recently I scrolled my Aran overswing 30 successfully! I bought it for 19m an I only left 10m! Have been searching for that skill book for very long >.<
Anyway this few days haven being sleeping well. I missed jerlyn lol. I got a feeling it's another one sides again cos no girls will like the likes of me /: and I have already accepte the fact .. That time when I called bak to rubi to ask bout my scedule, she picked up. It's so good to hear her voice after so long. Lol, I dunno what she think about me though. Hai. Love sucks. So it's being like 3 weeks since I last seen her cos she's not working. The next time I will see her is on aug 10! Looking forward to that day (:
My face have become worst recently /: I wanna stop myself from doing what the cause but I couldn't suppress it /: it wa too overwhelming... I need someone to help me.
Hai. I keep forgetting to remind myself how much days I have left become I enter army and my life will become more sucky. I have to really appreciate the times I have now.
So today I went to national heart centre. Took like 30 minutes to find that place /: the nurse all damn Chio lol! Ok anyway I will get to know the result of my heart test by next week! Cya ! Tmr have to wake up at 6am and its alr am left 3 hrs to wake up for work... Sian gtg
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hahaha today I am dammmm happy :D
So heres the story.
2 weeks ago i sold my precious alienware laptop to this guy online.
I told him my laptop specs and everything and he agreed to buy my laptop.
After I met him hes real nice and stuff but he said because I dont have the receipt for the laptop he only pay $900 first and after i found the receipt, I contact him and pass him the receipt and he will pass me the remainding $200. Since he look so nice and kind, I accepted his offer and he only paid me $900 and I receive the money and leaving home happily. After I reached home, I immediately went to look for the receipt, within minutes, I found it.
The next morning I contacted him to tell him that I have found the receipt and asked him when he want to meet me to pass me the $200. He took a long time to reply. After a while, he replied saying that my laptop processor is a older version i5 procssor and said that $900 for that laptop is too ex and refuse to pay for the remainding $200 and wanted to refund. I told him I had already spent most of the $900 as I need to return some of the money to my mother. And he repiled "LOL"
I immedaitely shoot back at him saying this is not a joke. He had agreed to deal after i told him the version of my procssor beforehand and now he wants to change his words. I told him that I had told him the version of my procssor and he agree to it now hes trying to change his words then he replied "hmm do you have the message to prove?" I told him i had screenshot the message and can show him.
tbc i go sleep.
Yoyo ~
Yesterday had a awesome dream!
I dreamed that I am someone like a Iron man but also with the ability of spiderman!
Then throughout the story, I drank something poisonous and it damaged my body so the doctor have to implant some mechanic stuff into my body but I am only left with 9 hours to live.
( Even though the story doesnt make sense but I am jsut typing out all that i can remember)
Then after that I ended up in some shopping mall, wandering around and that was when I found out i can shoot spider webs out of my hands ! >.<
Then I swing around the shopping mall and enjoying my last 9 hours on Earth.
Then suddenly I saw one of my close friend; a girl, crying at a corner. I cant leave her alone as she seems shes going to do something silly as shes at the top level of the shopping mall; i was afraid she might do something stupid. So I approached her and talk to her and realised her boyfriend had just broke up with her. Knowing that, I tried all means to console her to calm her down. After awhile, she said she will be fine and told me to leave her alone as she need some time to be by herself. I agreed and left. Still worrrying for her, I hid somewhere watch her to make sure shes alright already. To my surprise, I saw her climbing over the railing trying to jump down from the top floor. I was shocked and I froze upon my position. In a split second, she was falling down from the top floor. Then I suddenly shoot web across the building and swing towards her and grabbed her. LOL so dramatic.
then all the shoppers below were all staring at me as I slowly ascend to the first floor dropping her on the floor. All the shoppers around me cheered for me as though I am a hero, that feeling was awesme, but before I know it, I felt as though my body was suddenly paralysed. I stood there, trying to comprehend what was going on. It was the poison, it took over my body faster than the doctor had thought to be 9 hours. I started to wobble around, trying to find something to grab. Suddnely some unknown guy appeared behind me, supporting me but I coudlnt help but fell to the ground. I kept trying to stand up but my head were shakey and I couldnt stablise myself, the last glimpse I caught before I deactiviated was the scene of passer-by cheering for me. I died in honour.
LOL okok the above story is what i feel during the dream, its still quite strong in my brain as i can remember most of the content.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
todays as per normal.
Tmr going to meet the scammer who scammed my $200.
So stress sia. I dunno why im afraid i am not even in the wrong..
I used my another number to cheat him into meetinge as he didnt answer my call or reply my messages. I am definitely getting back my money no matter what. Its my hard earn money no one has the right to take it.
Many of my friends are going to quit school. Two of them changing course next year one going back to kl to study.
I somehow think its my fault. I thought i shouldnt openly post on fb that i quitted school. it opens up options of other ppl who saw my post and think its ok to quit school? Im not saying like as though im a role model or what but as a friend, i feel i really did something wrong there. I just feel wrong and guilty ):
Friday, July 13, 2012
Past, present, future.
After viewing my photos on facebook, i dunno why but i just fel extremely happy that i have those memories! (: I feel like i should appreciate life more and not stay sad all the time. i stil have alot of things i wanna do and my life cant just end here. i am proceeding to the next phrase of life and shouldnt keep regretting things which i would have done. As i look back to my past pictures, most of the pictures remind me of time when i was not confident of myself because of those acne and stuff and i always think back and told myself "i could have done that..if only i was abit more confident" it really sucks to have to think of that all the time. I dont want to have this thinking anymore. I have a dream that i always wanted to pursuit,i mustnt let go of it.
All these suddenly came to me and i just wanna blog all these event down for the future me to read. Imagine 10 or 20 years later i will still see this post. lol.
HI to my future self,if you are still alive and kicking! I knkw now you are definitely living your dream! Even though its really tiring and you are busy all the time but i still wanna remind you dont forget the friends who helped you and encouraged you so you can get to where you are now. Dont neglect your family because they have tolerate you and nurture you, without them, you wont be able to pursue your dreams! Zhehao, continue living hiur dream and live the most out of your life, even though you might feel linely at times but remember those people supporting you behind your back and you have me, the 18 years old me supporting you! FIGHTING ! ^^
Signing off, 10 years ago me. Zhe hao
It's late in the night, wanted to sleep but in the end i went to view my past pictures on facebook and alot of memories started to come back to me :)
It's so awesome a picture can remind me of so many things.
Those were the times, I wished i could have been more fun of a person and would be more confident and do what i want to do.
Missed those immatured days of having fun.
It's so awesome a picture can remind me of so many things.
Those were the times, I wished i could have been more fun of a person and would be more confident and do what i want to do.
Missed those immatured days of having fun.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Am feeling sad.
Joyce is going to leave the house soon...
My parents are going to miss her after taking care of her for 1 year plus.
After that, I will be leaving for NS.
They will be all alone soon /:
After that. i will be working and probably spend very little time at home.
Or maybe work overseas ( one of my dream )
Then they will be all alone.
I dont wanna go NS, i feel that i am wasting my youth on NS.
I can use it to do more stuffs.
Joyce is going to leave the house soon...
My parents are going to miss her after taking care of her for 1 year plus.
After that, I will be leaving for NS.
They will be all alone soon /:
After that. i will be working and probably spend very little time at home.
Or maybe work overseas ( one of my dream )
Then they will be all alone.
I dont wanna go NS, i feel that i am wasting my youth on NS.
I can use it to do more stuffs.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Now that i have made the decision to quit school and go NS, I am putting a very huge bet on my future. I am still uncertain about what to do. I must decide as soon as possible if not it will be wasted again but i am feeling very lost. It's like im just spending everyday as it is. If i go on like this, it wont turn out good... NS............ hai
My youth is bring burned away.
No one owe you happiness,you have to fight for it.
My youth is bring burned away.
No one owe you happiness,you have to fight for it.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I saw Her !!
Thats so many things on my mind when I saw her.
But. She will just think I am weird, like im a pervertic stalker stalking her but im not.
But its my fault anyway, any normal human beings will think I am from all those messages I have sent her... I thought she still have feelings for me when last year i saw her at the Yishun CC study room and I caught glimpse of her staring at me. I guess it was all one-sided, i was thinkign too much. How could she be staring at me? HAHHAHA joke. It's only me giving myself false feeling and hope. She dont feel that way i do for her. AND why do I feel something for her after so long? I still dont get it. Why cant i move on?
Wanted to talk to her when we alighted the bus. At least as a friend; but i guess we are not even friends in the first place. Stupid sia..
But...its as though something was stuck in my throat. I just wanna say hi thats all /:
Then she walked away very quickly, maybe shes afraid i might stalk her since she stay near to me LOL.
And my stupid dumbbell is so heavy >.<
It's all freaking one sided.
I dont feel anything for her already.
It's jsut that whenever i see her, my heart will pump very fast and my hands will shake and i become very nervous.
But I really dont like her anymore.
Cos its jsut awkward. I am jsut a stupid pervertic stalker for her. And personally I am disgust by myself.
So I must stop it.
I never know her and she never know me.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Yoyo ~
I cant sleep !!
Ahhhh ~ SO many things on my mind /:
Its like a chain of thoughts one leading to another.
I hate it when alot of things come to my mind, mostly worries.
Frankly speaking I do think that i worry too much on alot of things.
Either small or big matters, i worry alot.
Something, worrying leads to over-thinking and over-thinking will lead to emo-ing. LOL
I want to worry less and just take things as it is. Worrying doesnt change anything.
I want to be more positive and happy as I believe as long as i stay positive, things around me will turn out well!
When i entered Secondary school, I became more negative as I was very realistic and doesnt want to give myself false hope so i always expect the worst in everything and sometimes i am misunderstood as being a pessimist.
Reailty is cruel, staying positive is like lying to yourself and you expect things to turn out for the better. But when it doesnt, you will feel disappointed.
So my whole secondary school life was a period of negativity, so things were never really going good for me.
Most of the time i can remember is those emo times i have to go through by myself.
In conclusion, worries wont go away if you worry.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
I just cant stand loneliness
I dont wanna to be alone. I have to have someone by myself.
Someone whom i can care for, someone who belong to me, someone whom i can call mine.
Sometimes when i see couple on the streets, i will feel very lonely.
Arent we all the same, why cant we have the same thing?
I just want to experience it once, it is so hard to ask for?
Im just glad i have friends :)
But im such a bastard.
I had backstabbed friends, talked bad about them behind their back, and they still recognise me as their friends as they were ignornant of who i really am.
I really regret.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Todays a normal day.
Morning went to Tampines to my agency to hand in the form.
I hate taking the 969 >.<
Then coincidentally, i saw marie on the bus!
At first i didnt notice until she messaged me!
Soon after she arrived she fell asleep hahaha, shes still the same haven change!
She sleep until damn unglam HAHAHAHA !
Ok after handing in the form i took 969 back agaim /:
then everything goes on as usual.
Sian, today my sis husband coming over to take Joyce, my niece away and will be coming back on Sunday. /:
Just now when they came to take her, she was crying like hell cos she doesnt want to leave. It really hurts me when i saw that, i just went back to my room immediately.
Then after she left, my mother said she saw from the kitchen window down at the carpark, she saw him forcefully passing Joyce to his father's girlfriend and forced her to enter the car ):
They didnt give birth to the child, they have totally no regards to her well being.
My mother said she saw her still crying, i guessed she was shocked and scared ):
Why does she have to go through all these? I pity her...
But my sister didnt fight for her.
I was always feeling lonely at home.
It was Joyce who made me feel less lonely sometimes with her random trips to my room. Sometimes she will carry her push car into my room and just leave it here. LOL. Sometimes she will come into my room and just smile :D Hahaha thinking about it just make my day :) Her laughter is priceless!
In about a few months time, she will be really leaving our house and going to her father side to stay /: I dont know when i will see her again or will she still remember this family or me, but i hope she will grow up to be a good girl !
She haven even learned how to talk, i wanna hear how her voice sounded like (: I bet my parents would like to hear it too!
Today went to YTSS for class outing!
Vivien and minqi bought pizza for the outing and we chatted and talked
wait i go sleep first ...........
Ok i am back!
Ok so first we arrived in school and eat the pizza, then we gathered around and chat abit before the running man games vivien ho and min qi organised starts.
Was pretty excited as they pasted the name tag on my shirt! Hahaahh
So then cos theres only 4 boys, they split the four boys and made 2 boys the captain of the team. Me and Ashwin were in the same group and norres and Khai is in another.
So we get to choose our team mates first, i chose Jiayee, Marie, Yvonne, Michelle, Geraldine and the other team chose Suvitra, Nisa, Huishi, Audrey.
The first part of the game will deicide who will be the seeker or hider of the game!
We have to run a short distance like the shutter run and we have to run to the other side and finish a drink and then run back to win the game!
I represent our team to be the runner and the other chose Khai.
then so the race starts and i ran like hell !
I was the first to reach and i gobbled down the drink till i choked!
I drank it damn fast cos i thought khai may be quite fast but when i finished the drink and went back, he still haven finish his drink LOL
they added tomato or chill sauce into our milo drink lol i only realised it upon reaching the finishing line. But i won and we chose to be the seeker.
Yoyo !
Yesterday just ended work in Uniqlo~
Quite happy cos i finally gret to rest after 13 days straight of work!
Very exhausting but i recover fast (:
Really gonna miss the Uniqlo staffs like Hafiq, Hafeez, ming Da, Bob and the rest la!
They really made us feel as though we belong there even though we are just temp staff!
Departure sucks /:
Then after work went to meet H?an long to drink and lepak.
Then we went to the hill top to slack then when we went to the toilet, we suddenly heard some moaning sound coming from the handicapped toilet! LOL.
I was showing the epic face to han long because he didnt notice it at first!
Then he climbed on top to peek first then followed by me haha!
Ok abit sick la /:
Then i also climbed and i saw............. ya
okay la, then we slack slack then jiu went home le!
What a day!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Woke up to a miss call from the recruit agency.
So i called back and they told me they found a job for me at Uniqlo somerset 313.
The pay is low but i agreed to it immediately as i dont want to miss out this chance.
Hmmm going to go broke soon so i just dont want to be too picky so i just accept it.
Its everyday from June 1st to June 13th 3pm-10pm. Hope everything is ok tmr.
Then after that i rushed from Tampines to Dover SP to celebrate my friend's birthday ~
Been so long since i saw them!
They all rushing and stressing on assignment.. /:
Okay, it's junjie birthday and Yi xuan invited me to school to celebrate his birthday ~~
haha it was fun! I took a piece of cake and smash on his face LOL
Ok la! Hope they score well for their assignment cos they really work very hard for it! (:
Okay, after coming back from SP, I went back to YTSS to get my testimonial from school.
So i called back and they told me they found a job for me at Uniqlo somerset 313.
The pay is low but i agreed to it immediately as i dont want to miss out this chance.
Hmmm going to go broke soon so i just dont want to be too picky so i just accept it.
Its everyday from June 1st to June 13th 3pm-10pm. Hope everything is ok tmr.
Then after that i rushed from Tampines to Dover SP to celebrate my friend's birthday ~
Been so long since i saw them!
They all rushing and stressing on assignment.. /:
Okay, it's junjie birthday and Yi xuan invited me to school to celebrate his birthday ~~
haha it was fun! I took a piece of cake and smash on his face LOL
Ok la! Hope they score well for their assignment cos they really work very hard for it! (:
Okay, after coming back from SP, I went back to YTSS to get my testimonial from school.
The security guard the indian woman one like v friendly sia.
Didnt expect her to be so.
So i went in and suddenly, when i was walking towards the general office, i looked around me, the school where i used to be. Everything seems so close and familiar but yet with a sense of unknown foreign feeling. It's like telling us we dont belong there anymore despite those time we spent in that school.
So when i entered the general office, the place changed le, now we must walk right all the way to reach the reception counter.
Then i saw Mr Jackson.
LOL, my arch enemy in YTSS.
He everytime kp me for nothing.
I remember there's one time when i have my shirt tucked out and i walked past him and he called me to tuck in my shirt but i just walk away and ignore him.
Then he flared up and shouted :" Hey i call you to tuck in your shirt right?! Come with me to see the DM now!"
LOL got so serious meh?
Seriously, i wasnt feeling scare at all then i just followed him.
I have not been called up by teacher to go see DM for a very very long time since sec 2 when i fought with Kelvan.
So i was wondering what will it be like.
Then i just followed him and unexpectedly, we walked by Mr Lee Ah Liat!
He like damn good to me >.<
So sad now he leave school le );
But anyway Mr Lee asked me and the teacher to go over and he helped me by confronting the teacher and ask him not to send me to DM >.<...................
Then the stupid teacher released me and walked away.
WOW ~~~ Then Mr Lee actually helped me in alot of things.
Like i lack of a CCA teacher to sign my form that time when i wanna go Perth.
Mr low doesnt want to sign (as Teacher in charge of volleyball)
then since i have been helping out in Green club ( in charge by Mr Lee Ah Liat), Mr lee without a doubt he just say come down and find me, i will help you sign ))))))))))):
OMG i cannot explain how i was feeling at tht point of time...
I am really very grateful towards him ...
i seriously dont know what to say.
Haha ok back to the main topic, so i just do some admin stuff then get my testimonial le :D
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Went out with friends early in the morning to go gym.
Not really early la jsut early for me cos i slept late /:
It was great la, did many intense workout and my friends helped me.
This is the first time i ever trained so hard in a gym!
Then after that meet up with friends again to go SSC to eat a steaamboat buffet call FatFish !
It was not bad!
But abit costly, $28.
Ate and talked cock and have some catching up (:
After that we randomly thoguht of going to LAN shop and play because they keep talking about blackshot when we are eating!
Then we go play at the one nearest to SSC.
The game like damn epic sia, ppl shouting here and there haha ~
We played like 1 hour but it seems damn long cos in the end we ended up being very tired due to all the shoutings >.<
It is awesome to have meet up with friends after so long.
Somemore i might be going ns this year and will have lesser chances of meeting them anymore. ):
We should take friends for granted.
They are a luxury for us.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Yo ~
Long time never post le.
Havent being doing much stuff recently.
1 week without school and I alr cant take it le!
I cant stand myself not doing anything productive or useful >.<
Going to find a job soon.
The tough time is not consider over but its jsut that I try to make no regards to it as much as possible..
Monday, May 21, 2012
Couldnt sleep.
Thinking about what im going to do next.
I have alr decide to go ns instead of studying but its like i see
most of my friends enjoying themselves in poly but i cant help but to look at myself and ask myself why cant i have the same too? Why must everything be so hard on me?
I know im too weak. but i have too many arising problems and my weakness is constantly pulling me down and i have no one to be there for me. Everyone else seems to have somekne behind them,
Or someone who they can fall back on but everything i fall back, i just hurt my back.
Now after quitting school, i feel even more stressed as obviously it was a stupid thing to do.
Many ppl asking me not to quit and stuff but i cant hold on anymore.
Then i realised i said i wanna work after quitting school but i only see myself staying at home everyday doing nothing. i dont wanna be like this man..
The reason i quitted poly is becos i have a dream. Im risking everything i have and to pursuitt my dreams. its a silly thing to do but i really want it so badly..even though its not going to try very hard to achieve it. Anything possible. Everything. i dont wanna regret not trying to go for my dream.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Today went to OCS - officer cadat school with my class.
The place quite boring la, but my friends made it fun (:
Early in the morning i have hti presentation with Junjie ~
He very good in talking sia, he see the paragraph one time jiu can summarise le.
Ytd do the powerpoint till like 4am then woke up at 7am >.<
Today is my last day in school ):
So i wanted to keep some good memories for myself so I wanted to treat my friends better for the last day LOL.
Anyway i really like this class ):
They bond in a fast way and we grow very close despite it only being the 1st month only.
I will miss them.
The place quite boring la, but my friends made it fun (:
Early in the morning i have hti presentation with Junjie ~
He very good in talking sia, he see the paragraph one time jiu can summarise le.
Ytd do the powerpoint till like 4am then woke up at 7am >.<
Today is my last day in school ):
So i wanted to keep some good memories for myself so I wanted to treat my friends better for the last day LOL.
Anyway i really like this class ):
They bond in a fast way and we grow very close despite it only being the 1st month only.
I will miss them.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Today went to class; as usual, and when my classmate saw me they were damn surprised cos of my hair colour LOL.
They say they cant recognise me >.<
Anyway with this new colour, when i walk outside ppl keep staring -.-.
BUT I really like it! I think i can only keep it till end of this year then need go NS le ))):
They say they cant recognise me >.<
Anyway with this new colour, when i walk outside ppl keep staring -.-.
BUT I really like it! I think i can only keep it till end of this year then need go NS le ))):
Yo! Yesterday jsut dyed my hair ~
Personally i like the colour alot!
I spent a total of $55 on hair and $20 on ear piercing and earings /:
Shyt... my sister de camera still under repair.
Dont know need pay how much >.<
Damn stupid lo, that day accidentally dropped it into my maggie mee then spoil >.<
Personally i like the colour alot!
I spent a total of $55 on hair and $20 on ear piercing and earings /:
Shyt... my sister de camera still under repair.
Dont know need pay how much >.<
Damn stupid lo, that day accidentally dropped it into my maggie mee then spoil >.<
Friday, May 11, 2012
Okay, she finally repiled me.
Fianlly she gave me a answer, gave me a reason to give up on her.
She is as bitch as usual and I have to confirm one last time shes the same like every other girls.
After so many years, i thought she may have grown abit more mature but i was wrong.
So disappointed.
I was so bloody stupid to hold on and feel hurt for so long.
Those endless nights when i cry myself o sleep thinking of her was such a dumb thing to do.
She doesnt even know what love is.
She dont understand the feeling im going through.
Karma will meet up with her some day and f her upside down.
Bye, I shall bid farewell to this stranger who i never knew.
Fianlly she gave me a answer, gave me a reason to give up on her.
She is as bitch as usual and I have to confirm one last time shes the same like every other girls.
After so many years, i thought she may have grown abit more mature but i was wrong.
So disappointed.
I was so bloody stupid to hold on and feel hurt for so long.
Those endless nights when i cry myself o sleep thinking of her was such a dumb thing to do.
She doesnt even know what love is.
She dont understand the feeling im going through.
Karma will meet up with her some day and f her upside down.
Bye, I shall bid farewell to this stranger who i never knew.
Anyway today i have decided to withdraw from poly.
Had been skippping soon for 2 days straigth and most probably tmr too.
I have no more motivation to stay in this course anymore.
Kept overslept, and wake up to a tired morning and then decide to skip school.
I have enoguh of all these.
Everyday have to do work till 4-5am in the morning then have to sleep afew hours then got to wake up and go school only to receive more assignments.
But after i quit poly, what should i do?
I really dunno.
I was hoping to be able to appeal to other school but it failed.
NS? Work? Rot at home?
I dont wanna be so useless.
I dont want to disappoint my parents.
I want to earn loads of money to repay them and then treat myself with something nice.
A path of uncertainty.
Quitting doesnt mean you are weaker.
Qutting leads me to a much tougher path.
I wish the best for myself. All the best.
Had been skippping soon for 2 days straigth and most probably tmr too.
I have no more motivation to stay in this course anymore.
Kept overslept, and wake up to a tired morning and then decide to skip school.
I have enoguh of all these.
Everyday have to do work till 4-5am in the morning then have to sleep afew hours then got to wake up and go school only to receive more assignments.
But after i quit poly, what should i do?
I really dunno.
I was hoping to be able to appeal to other school but it failed.
NS? Work? Rot at home?
I dont wanna be so useless.
I dont want to disappoint my parents.
I want to earn loads of money to repay them and then treat myself with something nice.
A path of uncertainty.
Quitting doesnt mean you are weaker.
Qutting leads me to a much tougher path.
I wish the best for myself. All the best.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Saw this post on facebook.
I think its quite true and interesting so i put it up.
垂死者的5大人生憾事第1個遺憾 便是沒有勇氣去追求自己的夢想。
第2個遺憾 就是太努力工作,而沒有陪伴自己的家庭,包括小孩的成長階段,以及陪伴另一半的時間。⋯⋯
第3個遺憾 是最普遍的遺憾,是後悔自己沒有勇氣表達內心的情感
第4個遺憾 後悔沒和老朋友保持連絡。
第5個遺憾 後悔自己沒有快樂些。
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Today ... hai.
Bad days are compiling yet I am becoming weaker and weaker.
I just need some help /:
Had HTI today, seriously dont understand anything he was saying. I literally blanked out and stared into blank space.
Then after that went to see my PTN (form teacher) about my course transfer.
He told me many stuffs.
If i wanna quit school after 6 months gov will call me to go for NS.
Means that i cant work and wait till next year to go into a course.
And if i go through first sem and got bad result, I cant transfer to other course and most probably will be sacked by the school and leave a bad record for myself and wont be able to go to any poly anymore.
So the only thing left is to transfer or to stay.
If i transfer i have to pay the other school another school fee and means i have to pay twice.
Even so, their intake may already be full and not accepting anymore student and that will leave me with one last option which is to stay.
Today ... hai.
Bad days are compiling yet I am becoming weaker and weaker.
I just need some help /:
Had HTI today, seriously dont understand anything he was saying. I literally blanked out and stared into blank space.
Then after that went to see my PTN (form teacher) about my course transfer.
He told me many stuffs.
If i wanna quit school after 6 months gov will call me to go for NS.
Means that i cant work and wait till next year to go into a course.
And if i go through first sem and got bad result, I cant transfer to other course and most probably will be sacked by the school and leave a bad record for myself and wont be able to go to any poly anymore.
So the only thing left is to transfer or to stay.
If i transfer i have to pay the other school another school fee and means i have to pay twice.
Even so, their intake may already be full and not accepting anymore student and that will leave me with one last option which is to stay.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Went to VAS late for 30mins in the end the cher haven take attendence yet. lol
Pon FDS to go watch dance performance.
My life is now seriously damn aimless. I have lost my direction...
I am just like walking without a direction.
I seriously dunno what to do next ):
My future is on the line /:
Please help me. Someone, help me ):
I cant continue like this. I deserve a bit more...
Pon FDS to go watch dance performance.
My life is now seriously damn aimless. I have lost my direction...
I am just like walking without a direction.
I seriously dunno what to do next ):
My future is on the line /:
Please help me. Someone, help me ):
I cant continue like this. I deserve a bit more...
Thursday, April 26, 2012
today is SP cca carnival. Signed up for basetkball and hip hop dance club
Met up with hui shi tth junhao and khai to walk around the cca booth.
Thank god got them if not i alone
I dont think i will have time to go for the cca though cos of my fuck up course.
today i call TP admission hotline and they said they had close on the appeal and intake of student.
I rly dunno what to do, I dun wanna stay in this course.
I cant stand it,
it is draining my life away.
Everyday i feel myself dying more and more.
The lecturer said " After you hand in your assignment, we will brief you on your next assignment."
Fuck him seriously.
Every day since i entered Design school, everyday i have to worry bout assignemnt.
Fk it.
It's just assignment after assignment,
I wanna get out of this place.
Can anyone help me?
I feel very lost and confused.
If i quit this course, then do i ahve to wait one more year for the next intake?
Then i will waste another one year. /:
I rly dun wan this to happen
Why cant everything go smothly for me.
I just want a normal life like everyone.
Maybe find someone i like, enter a good course, enter a good cca have a good part time job and then just lead a simple life. Can i?
Met up with hui shi tth junhao and khai to walk around the cca booth.
Thank god got them if not i alone
I dont think i will have time to go for the cca though cos of my fuck up course.
today i call TP admission hotline and they said they had close on the appeal and intake of student.
I rly dunno what to do, I dun wanna stay in this course.
I cant stand it,
it is draining my life away.
Everyday i feel myself dying more and more.
The lecturer said " After you hand in your assignment, we will brief you on your next assignment."
Fuck him seriously.
Every day since i entered Design school, everyday i have to worry bout assignemnt.
Fk it.
It's just assignment after assignment,
I wanna get out of this place.
Can anyone help me?
I feel very lost and confused.
If i quit this course, then do i ahve to wait one more year for the next intake?
Then i will waste another one year. /:
I rly dun wan this to happen
Why cant everything go smothly for me.
I just want a normal life like everyone.
Maybe find someone i like, enter a good course, enter a good cca have a good part time job and then just lead a simple life. Can i?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Today morning lesson almost faint in class but luckily yi xuan gave me sweets!
She didnt know that she saved my life!
Was still feeling abit sick and stuff
Wanted to go home after first lesson but in the end i stayed for the whole thing.
Just rushed thru my FDS work. DAMN SIAN
Tmr got fds see the lecturer then sian liao
I just found out that tmr morning i have gen ed which start at 8 !!!
So i goign sleep to now cya
Today morning lesson almost faint in class but luckily yi xuan gave me sweets!
She didnt know that she saved my life!
Was still feeling abit sick and stuff
Wanted to go home after first lesson but in the end i stayed for the whole thing.
Just rushed thru my FDS work. DAMN SIAN
Tmr got fds see the lecturer then sian liao
I just found out that tmr morning i have gen ed which start at 8 !!!
So i goign sleep to now cya
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Today went to Scape to work in the flea market!
Was sick so im damn tired ):
Hope i recover soon so i can focus on my work.
Work was alright, i am selling phone accessories.
Just sit there and when got customer come then attend to him or her.
Okay la. The thing that attracted me is that it pays me daily ^^
So i can get my pay straight after work ! ((:
Now sick and i will postpone my painting work to tmr and tmr must chiong le!
Was sick so im damn tired ):
Hope i recover soon so i can focus on my work.
Work was alright, i am selling phone accessories.
Just sit there and when got customer come then attend to him or her.
Okay la. The thing that attracted me is that it pays me daily ^^
So i can get my pay straight after work ! ((:
Now sick and i will postpone my painting work to tmr and tmr must chiong le!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Today is a rough day for me. Went to school with fever and seem not able to cope with anything..
Almost gave up.
The VAS was killer man, they want us to paint 4 pictures in the weekend but i got work on saturday..
Then i also sucks at painting..
Then i was damn worried and damn stressed... /:
Then after VAS is FDS ! The worst killer ever. The lecture all very big shot and damn kp!
Cant stand them, treat us like secondary school kids. They will say "Why do i still hear people talking?!"
Maybe becos they have ears thats why they can hear us talking? LOL
Especially the female lecturer. Damn sarcastic /:
Entertaining herself nia
For FDS, we have to draw dots o.o
Seriously, i find what i m learning in CF have no relation to my interior designing.
I was caught in a freaking dilemma to transfer to TP /:
TP interior design and architecture is very direct and they learn designing straight in 1st year not like us ):
I feel this is a total waste of time. Later on we still have to print stuff on t shirt and do some silk screen crap /:
I was on the verge of tears, i know abit gay right? Haha, but really stress. If i change school i have to readapt to TP and i will definitely lost all contacts of my friends in SP.
I went for FOC design camp, Sports camp and FOP and i came to know many serious and friends from other course. If i change school, everything will be in vain and ... but is my future more impt or my friends? Or should i stick to my current course? Can someone give me a answer? Please. i need help. I dunno if i can withstand this...
Almost gave up.
The VAS was killer man, they want us to paint 4 pictures in the weekend but i got work on saturday..
Then i also sucks at painting..
Then i was damn worried and damn stressed... /:
Then after VAS is FDS ! The worst killer ever. The lecture all very big shot and damn kp!
Cant stand them, treat us like secondary school kids. They will say "Why do i still hear people talking?!"
Maybe becos they have ears thats why they can hear us talking? LOL
Especially the female lecturer. Damn sarcastic /:
Entertaining herself nia
For FDS, we have to draw dots o.o
Seriously, i find what i m learning in CF have no relation to my interior designing.
I was caught in a freaking dilemma to transfer to TP /:
TP interior design and architecture is very direct and they learn designing straight in 1st year not like us ):
I feel this is a total waste of time. Later on we still have to print stuff on t shirt and do some silk screen crap /:
I was on the verge of tears, i know abit gay right? Haha, but really stress. If i change school i have to readapt to TP and i will definitely lost all contacts of my friends in SP.
I went for FOC design camp, Sports camp and FOP and i came to know many serious and friends from other course. If i change school, everything will be in vain and ... but is my future more impt or my friends? Or should i stick to my current course? Can someone give me a answer? Please. i need help. I dunno if i can withstand this...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Poly life have been tiring so far..
VAS, GC, OC, FDS, BDC, HTI and Gen ed.
Every module will have to keep sketchbook/journal /:
Very stress la.
Today went artfriend to buy newsprint paper for the class. Its damn heavy man...then i went straight to orchard for job interview. The interview was damn stupid.. she asked me to come back 2 months later o.o like wtf? if im in no need of money then why i go work? Then still have to wait for 2 months?
Wasted trip down and my ez link card is crying, badly.
My hands now very jelly. No strength at all. /:
Plus my damn heavy lappy..
VAS, GC, OC, FDS, BDC, HTI and Gen ed.
Every module will have to keep sketchbook/journal /:
Very stress la.
Today went artfriend to buy newsprint paper for the class. Its damn heavy man...then i went straight to orchard for job interview. The interview was damn stupid.. she asked me to come back 2 months later o.o like wtf? if im in no need of money then why i go work? Then still have to wait for 2 months?
Wasted trip down and my ez link card is crying, badly.
My hands now very jelly. No strength at all. /:
Plus my damn heavy lappy..
Monday, April 16, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Zircon 2012 Class 53 with our 2 wonderful Gls Rahimi and Jehenn! (missing Agnes, Lisa and Wei Jun)
These 2 wonderful gls made our FOP extra fun, crazy, hyper and embarrassed ! Haha, embarrasased because they are always doing stupid and nonsensical stuff all the time!
We only knew each other for like 4 days and we joked around, give each other names, scold each other for fun LOL. We open up because of our gls !
Frankly speaking, at first when I saw Rahimi, i thought sian la! Why got him as a gl? But in the end i found out hes actually a fun guy to be with! (sound so gay) LOL
Friday, April 13, 2012
Woke up early in the morning to miss my appointment /:
Was damn tired ytd as I woke up damn early for SP flag day!
Was very enthu but our location was preety bad ):
Our location was at commonwealth mrt station and the crowd was alright so the money i collected was very little ):
I collect $22.50, I donated $2.20 from my own pocket (:
Was damn disappointed cos i tried very hard ):
then ytd after flag day went to SP aSPire rock concert with classmates and in the end they left one by one and eventually left me alone so i met up with hui Shi, min qi and vivien and went back home /:
As for today, in the afternoon i went to Sp to activate my Photoshop and AutoCAD.
then suddenly thoguht of going to try and find jobs so in the end met up with Jasmine to go Jcube ~
It was alright ): It was disappointing..
Heard alot of people saying how good Jcube was but in the end i went, it has little shops not that most of them are renovating. And we took our time slowly to walk around it and we finished walking the whole shopping centre in around an hour o.o
Went to the Ice Rink to laugh at people falling down! LOL
then went to Kungfu Paradise to makan ~ The food was nice (:
Then went home and took some pictures on mrt ~
Was damn tired ytd as I woke up damn early for SP flag day!
Was very enthu but our location was preety bad ):
Our location was at commonwealth mrt station and the crowd was alright so the money i collected was very little ):
I collect $22.50, I donated $2.20 from my own pocket (:
Was damn disappointed cos i tried very hard ):
then ytd after flag day went to SP aSPire rock concert with classmates and in the end they left one by one and eventually left me alone so i met up with hui Shi, min qi and vivien and went back home /:
As for today, in the afternoon i went to Sp to activate my Photoshop and AutoCAD.
then suddenly thoguht of going to try and find jobs so in the end met up with Jasmine to go Jcube ~
It was alright ): It was disappointing..
Heard alot of people saying how good Jcube was but in the end i went, it has little shops not that most of them are renovating. And we took our time slowly to walk around it and we finished walking the whole shopping centre in around an hour o.o
Went to the Ice Rink to laugh at people falling down! LOL
then went to Kungfu Paradise to makan ~ The food was nice (:
Then went home and took some pictures on mrt ~

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Just a short post.
Today got SPICE training and material fair and stuff.
After SPICE theres a briefing on the DID bursary award.
The award is damn tempting and I dont have to work anymore. On top of that, after I come out of NS i will surely get a job with a min pay of $2.5k ++
But do i really want to be Interior Designer? If I really go for it I wont be able to pursue my dream. Even so, will i be good enough for the bursary? Will my result be good enough?
Today got SPICE training and material fair and stuff.
After SPICE theres a briefing on the DID bursary award.
The award is damn tempting and I dont have to work anymore. On top of that, after I come out of NS i will surely get a job with a min pay of $2.5k ++
But do i really want to be Interior Designer? If I really go for it I wont be able to pursue my dream. Even so, will i be good enough for the bursary? Will my result be good enough?
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Feeling so shitty.
So tired
Had an intense basketball match just now in the end no appetite to eat dinner..
Everytime i over exhaust myself I will have no appetite to eat.
Waste food /:
People in those poor countries dont even have food to eat );
Now I'm feeling very sick and tired.
Maybe I played too hard just now.
What's more tmr is Design camp! -.-... Haven pack my bag haha ~
Hope everything turns out well (:
So tired
Had an intense basketball match just now in the end no appetite to eat dinner..
Everytime i over exhaust myself I will have no appetite to eat.
Waste food /:
People in those poor countries dont even have food to eat );
Now I'm feeling very sick and tired.
Maybe I played too hard just now.
What's more tmr is Design camp! -.-... Haven pack my bag haha ~
Hope everything turns out well (:
羅志祥 - 不具名的悲傷 完整CD版
羅志祥 - 不具名的悲傷
我沒有比 其他人強悍
淚水和你一樣燙 也會有心慌
工作很忙 沒有誰不忙
剩下的未標示的時光 就像一個空罐
找不到任何事情 可以填滿
愛不費一顆子彈 靈魂卻洞穿
我投降 能不能把記憶關上
工作很忙 沒有誰不忙
剩下的未標示的時光 就像一個空罐
找不到任何事情 可以填滿
愛不費一顆子彈 靈魂卻洞穿
我投降 能不能把記憶關上
痛一直延長 在往後的每個夜晚
愛不費一顆子彈 靈魂卻洞穿
我投降 能不能把記憶關上
我沒有比 其他人強悍
淚水和你一樣燙 也會有心慌
工作很忙 沒有誰不忙
剩下的未標示的時光 就像一個空罐
找不到任何事情 可以填滿
愛不費一顆子彈 靈魂卻洞穿
我投降 能不能把記憶關上
工作很忙 沒有誰不忙
剩下的未標示的時光 就像一個空罐
找不到任何事情 可以填滿
愛不費一顆子彈 靈魂卻洞穿
我投降 能不能把記憶關上
痛一直延長 在往後的每個夜晚
愛不費一顆子彈 靈魂卻洞穿
我投降 能不能把記憶關上
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Recently I just bought a Alienware M14X laptop!
Ahhh.. borrowed money from parents to buy it.
Have to work even when school starts but haven even find job yet!
Went for cotton on interview and everything seems fine but they didnt call me ):
Hai alot of my seniors say its really very hard for anyone to really work part time.
I was even thinking of joining dance club.... -.-
LOL see how ba!
Tmr going down to SP for my Sports camp meeting ~
Then bring my lappy down to see if theres any free slots for configuration (:
Then dont have to keep traveling down le!
Ahhh.. borrowed money from parents to buy it.
Have to work even when school starts but haven even find job yet!
Went for cotton on interview and everything seems fine but they didnt call me ):
Hai alot of my seniors say its really very hard for anyone to really work part time.
I was even thinking of joining dance club.... -.-
LOL see how ba!
Tmr going down to SP for my Sports camp meeting ~
Then bring my lappy down to see if theres any free slots for configuration (:
Then dont have to keep traveling down le!
Friday, March 16, 2012
“The competitor to be feared the most, is one who never worries about others at all. But goes on making himself better all the time.” -Blake Griffin
“I would tell players to relax and never think about what’s at stake. Just think about the basketball game. If you start to think about who is going to win the championship, you’ve lost your focus.”
-Michael Jordan
"I think someone should explain to the child that it's ok to make mistakes. That's how we learn. When we compete, we make mistakes."
-Kareem Abdul-Jabba
“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?-Vince Carter
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
-Michael Jordan
“I would tell players to relax and never think about what’s at stake. Just think about the basketball game. If you start to think about who is going to win the championship, you’ve lost your focus.”
-Michael Jordan
-Kareem Abdul-Jabba
“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?-Vince Carter
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
-Michael Jordan
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
March 4 2012
Went to OCBC cycling 24km with Vivien.
Woke up at 5am and only slept for 3 hours because I have work the day before.
It was a fun experience overall ~
Starting got many road bikers fall down, its like starting only one fall down and but the cyclist behind him collide into him and it forms a continous chain and around 5 more cyclist fell down.
On top of that, they were all traveling at top speed!
Scary ah ~
Went to OCBC cycling 24km with Vivien.
Woke up at 5am and only slept for 3 hours because I have work the day before.
It was a fun experience overall ~
Starting got many road bikers fall down, its like starting only one fall down and but the cyclist behind him collide into him and it forms a continous chain and around 5 more cyclist fell down.
On top of that, they were all traveling at top speed!
Scary ah ~

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
On Feb 25 when i reached home my mom suddenly told me i got a package from my poly.
I was having mixed feelings.
I was afraid that my appeal will fail and i will get in Computer Engineering.

So when i went to pick up the package i saw this

"Admission to Doploma in Interior Design"
I was freaking happyyyyyyyyyyy ~
LOL after the failed online appeal i finally get into Interior Design ~
haha relieved la
And for now i have to fill in all the poly admission thing. Quite a hassle but still going to complete it :X
I cant take it for granted now ~
FYI i am going to collect my bike tmr ~
it will look like this but this is not mine. I just found this pic online ~
Excited ! It cost $398.
Waiting for my pay to come!
I was having mixed feelings.
I was afraid that my appeal will fail and i will get in Computer Engineering.

So when i went to pick up the package i saw this

"Admission to Doploma in Interior Design"
I was freaking happyyyyyyyyyyy ~
LOL after the failed online appeal i finally get into Interior Design ~
haha relieved la
And for now i have to fill in all the poly admission thing. Quite a hassle but still going to complete it :X
I cant take it for granted now ~
FYI i am going to collect my bike tmr ~
it will look like this but this is not mine. I just found this pic online ~
Excited ! It cost $398.
Waiting for my pay to come!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Feb 20 2012
Went to work wit Jing Yong , Mao feng and thiam hock at 112 Katong.
Used my GPS to locate the area. LOL damn inconvient sia that place.
Transport fees also so bloody ex
Work as Adidas event de people.
Adidas is promoting their new product - the micoach, a device to calculate the top speed of the athele.
Went to work wit Jing Yong , Mao feng and thiam hock at 112 Katong.
Used my GPS to locate the area. LOL damn inconvient sia that place.
Transport fees also so bloody ex
Work as Adidas event de people.
Adidas is promoting their new product - the micoach, a device to calculate the top speed of the athele.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Feb 17 2012
Today went to USS with my friendsssssssssss ~
Woo. Went with Jingyong, Raynor, Junhao, Patrine, Marie, Audrey and Jiayee !
Tried the Transformer ride first, it was awesome and so realistic even though it was a bit bumpy and stuff but it was epic!
Then tried the Human roller coaster ride, was very scare at first but eventually it turned out very fun and thrilling.

Today went to USS with my friendsssssssssss ~
Woo. Went with Jingyong, Raynor, Junhao, Patrine, Marie, Audrey and Jiayee !
Tried the Transformer ride first, it was awesome and so realistic even though it was a bit bumpy and stuff but it was epic!
Then tried the Human roller coaster ride, was very scare at first but eventually it turned out very fun and thrilling.

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Fk la, valentine's day made me think of her, ytd i messaged her, she doesnt know i changed number and that person was me so she replied a very friendly reply, I was so damn happy, but also sad at the same time. If she knew it was me all along, she wouldnt even reply me. Why i stil cant freaking forget her. Please stop this joke, i need to forget her. Even though i had said it a lot of time, i looked back to my year 2008, i also did mentioned i wanted to forget her. I just hope I get into some accident or something and i lost part of my memory with her in it. I feel so lonely, i cant take it anymore ):
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Feb 11
Went to cycle with thaimhock , jun hao and raynor.
I was late...........again.
This time we cycled from Yishun to Marina Barrage!
Madness right?
It was damn tiring but damn fun (:
Second cycling trip and i fell down the second time!
The first time was pretty bad and this time it was worst!
I was lying down on the floor like the first time and just waiting for me to accustom to the pain then i get back on my feet.
What a disaster. If you see the picture below you see my leg bleeding and ther are some tissues on the floor to dry my blood.
I also quitted my job on that day.
It was very tiring and meaningless...
Everyday i work kena scolding and I am tired.
Tired from all the bad things that had happened to me.
Posting results, work and some personal stuffs...
I wish she was here.... JUST KIDDING!
Lol i know she wont come back to me le, i secretly praying for her and i wish her all the best (:
Perhaps I may never forget her?

Feb 12
Went to Ji wei house to celebrate his birthday ~
LOL damn crazy haha.
Played around with his Nerf gun and do alot of stupid stuffs.
Overall its damn fun, its been long since I had so much fun since working and the posting results and stuff.
Went to cycle with thaimhock , jun hao and raynor.
I was late...........again.
This time we cycled from Yishun to Marina Barrage!
Madness right?
It was damn tiring but damn fun (:
Second cycling trip and i fell down the second time!
The first time was pretty bad and this time it was worst!
I was lying down on the floor like the first time and just waiting for me to accustom to the pain then i get back on my feet.
What a disaster. If you see the picture below you see my leg bleeding and ther are some tissues on the floor to dry my blood.
I also quitted my job on that day.
It was very tiring and meaningless...
Everyday i work kena scolding and I am tired.
Tired from all the bad things that had happened to me.
Posting results, work and some personal stuffs...
I wish she was here.... JUST KIDDING!
Lol i know she wont come back to me le, i secretly praying for her and i wish her all the best (:
Perhaps I may never forget her?

Feb 12
Went to Ji wei house to celebrate his birthday ~
LOL damn crazy haha.
Played around with his Nerf gun and do alot of stupid stuffs.
Overall its damn fun, its been long since I had so much fun since working and the posting results and stuff.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Got the result for JAE appeal posting today.
Another f up day.
Things always doesnt go right for me, not even once.
A few days ago had some problems at work, quitting after this week.
When i saw my application saying my appeal was unsuccessful, i stared blankly at the screen.
I dunno what to do next.
For those who said 'its better than not being posted to any school right?'
I really feel like smacking them in their bloody face.
Another f up day.
Things always doesnt go right for me, not even once.
A few days ago had some problems at work, quitting after this week.
When i saw my application saying my appeal was unsuccessful, i stared blankly at the screen.
I dunno what to do next.
For those who said 'its better than not being posted to any school right?'
I really feel like smacking them in their bloody face.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Jan 9
It's the day of O level result release day.
I was aiming for a 13 or at worst 15.
In the end i got a 17.
fk up.
I did my best le in the end i only i got a B3 for my POA and CS.
Fk, the 2 subjects i depend heavily on.
I was confident in my English and was expecting a B3 or at worst B4.
In the end C6.
My targets my poly courses -.-...
It's the day of O level result release day.
I was aiming for a 13 or at worst 15.
In the end i got a 17.
fk up.
I did my best le in the end i only i got a B3 for my POA and CS.
Fk, the 2 subjects i depend heavily on.
I was confident in my English and was expecting a B3 or at worst B4.
In the end C6.
My targets my poly courses -.-...
Jan 11
Went to cycle with thiam hock, raynor and junhao ~
Overslept and when i woke up i saw 5 missed calls on my phone and i saw my clock i panic !
Then tth came to my house.
LOL was really very tired.
Ate breakfast then cycle to Kranji
Lol i fell down! Got many injuries here and there.
I think i did a flip and i injured my wrist, shoulder, butt, palm and ankle.
then we went to Sungei Buloh water reserve.
There got many big monitor lizard !
Very cool la, first time see so big monitor lizard!
Then walked around hoping to see a crocodile because the sign write "Caution, watch it!" with a crocodile picture there.
Overall its fun (:
Went to cycle with thiam hock, raynor and junhao ~
Overslept and when i woke up i saw 5 missed calls on my phone and i saw my clock i panic !
Then tth came to my house.
LOL was really very tired.
Ate breakfast then cycle to Kranji
Lol i fell down! Got many injuries here and there.
I think i did a flip and i injured my wrist, shoulder, butt, palm and ankle.
then we went to Sungei Buloh water reserve.
There got many big monitor lizard !
Very cool la, first time see so big monitor lizard!
Then walked around hoping to see a crocodile because the sign write "Caution, watch it!" with a crocodile picture there.
Overall its fun (:
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Expect the worst, prepare for it. So whatever shyt happens it cannot be worst than what you had prepared for; you will be able to handle it.
Jan 08 2012
Today didnt go to work due to something.
Went to polyclinic but it was too late and it closed and many shyt happpens
I lost my 93355989 sim card and i lost my ez link card. Very f up
I back tracked my route to find my ez link card but to no avail.
I spent like 1 hour plus walking back the road i walked under the blazing hot sun.
Then i went to all the clinic all closed.
Today is really a f up day.
Tmr getting my LG optimus 3D le ~
Finally changing phone. But that will also add up to my expenses.
I have to pay adult fare alr and have to pay my own phone bill.
Jan 08 2012
Today didnt go to work due to something.
Went to polyclinic but it was too late and it closed and many shyt happpens
I lost my 93355989 sim card and i lost my ez link card. Very f up
I back tracked my route to find my ez link card but to no avail.
I spent like 1 hour plus walking back the road i walked under the blazing hot sun.
Then i went to all the clinic all closed.
Today is really a f up day.
Tmr getting my LG optimus 3D le ~
Finally changing phone. But that will also add up to my expenses.
I have to pay adult fare alr and have to pay my own phone bill.
Monday, January 2, 2012
It's the New Year yo ~
Say hello to 2012 !
On December 21 2011 i spent my last second with my friends Weishin, Jevon, Norres, Ashwin and Danial or something, dunno how to spell his name.
Chiong to meet them when i ended work at 10pm.
Luckily i was able to make it.
Walked very long and we stood at the bridge waiting for the countdown when Jevon and some other people tear down the plastic cover and we climbed over the fence to have a clearer view of the fireworks ~
This year was better than last year's because last year was cramped and this year is just great~
Lucky they invited me or i will go home and sleep after work~ ):
Today is my 11th day of being a server in Brewerkz ~
and i am still counting on ~~
I want to be more matured and expect a big postive change in myself whether it's internal or external self.
I want to earn money for my future and my dreams.
I want to look more different (handsome) haha.
Be better in Basketball
Learn more dances.
Say hello to 2012 !
On December 21 2011 i spent my last second with my friends Weishin, Jevon, Norres, Ashwin and Danial or something, dunno how to spell his name.
Chiong to meet them when i ended work at 10pm.
Luckily i was able to make it.
Walked very long and we stood at the bridge waiting for the countdown when Jevon and some other people tear down the plastic cover and we climbed over the fence to have a clearer view of the fireworks ~
This year was better than last year's because last year was cramped and this year is just great~
Lucky they invited me or i will go home and sleep after work~ ):
Today is my 11th day of being a server in Brewerkz ~
and i am still counting on ~~
I want to be more matured and expect a big postive change in myself whether it's internal or external self.
I want to earn money for my future and my dreams.
I want to look more different (handsome) haha.
Be better in Basketball
Learn more dances.

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